There are a ton of credit cards that offer rewards. So if you’re just starting out, it’s tough to figure out which ones will best fit you and your lifestyle. Make the process easier by first considering our favorite credit cards for earning and redeeming points and miles based on your spending behavior.
Best Credit Cards For Travel
General Travel Purchases
In this guide, we’ll cover the best credit cards to use for travel purchases. Our list of the best credit cards for travel purchases covers a wide range – from a low-cost card to premium ones – so you’ll easily find a card that suits you and your spending habits.
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Airfare Purchases
Before you book another flight, make sure you have one of our best credit cards for airfare purchases listed below.
Hotel Stays
In this guide, we cover our favorite hotel credit cards listed below, both co-branded and for general travel.
Annual Travel Statement Credits
Most people get drawn to travel credit cards for their big welcome bonuses but you should also weigh-in ongoing benefits such as annual travel statement credits. See this guide for our list of the best credit cards in for annual travel credits.
Travel Rewards For Family Vacations
In this guide, we’ll cover the best travel credit cards for families. These are the cards that stand out for their earning structure and benefits, which are particularly family-friendly.
Global Entry & TSA PreCheck
Global Entry and TSA PreCheck are both trusted traveler programs to help cut your time at airport screenings. It is not free but you can avoid fees with the right credit card. In this guide, we’ll cover the best cards for Global Entry and TSA PreCheck listed below.
United Airlines Miles & Perks
For those of us that decided to pledge loyalty to United Airlines, this guide will cover the best United credit cards for miles and perks.
Best Credit Cards For…
In this guide, we sifted through all the rewards cards available to come up with a list of our favorite dining credit cards.
Cash Back
Not all cash back cards are created equal. This guide takes a closer look at the best cash back credit cards.
No Annual Fees
In this guide, we’ll go over our favorite no-annual-fee credit cards, so you can decide which ones are worth signing up for.
Everyday Spending
What’s the best credit card to use for everyday spending?
While there are plenty of travel rewards cards to choose from, there aren’t as many credit cards available with bonuses on grocery spending. In this guide, we examined the best grocery credit cards.
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Visa Credit Cards
Choosing one “best” Visa card is impossible. It all depends on your spending, reward preferences and other personal factors. With that in mind, we came up with a guide for the best visa credit cards for bonuses, perks and rewards.
Amazon Purchases
If you regularly shop on Amazon, you’ll want to use a credit card to maximize rewards on every dollar that you spend. In this guide, we’ll cover the best credit cards for Amazon purchases.
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Young Professionals To Earn Points, Cash & Miles
In this guide, we’ll cover the best credit cards that fit well with the young professional lifestyle.
Millennials To Establish Credit
In this guide, we’ve rounded up the best credit cards for millennials to establish credit and earn points. These eight reward cards are the best fit for a millenial’s lifestyle.
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Small Businesses
If you’re a business owner, you’ll want to consider a small business rewards credit card if you haven’t already. In this guide, we will dive into the best business cards.
- Marriott Bonvoy Business American Express Card: Three Free Night (Worth 150,000 Points) Signup Bonus
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