If you’ve held any of the popular Discover credit cards in the past, you’ve probably had some experience with their ShopDiscover online shopping portal. By using the portal and paying with your Discover credit card, you’re earning extra CashBack on top of what you’d usually earn with the card.
Chase also has their similar Ultimate Rewards program where you can shop for extra rewards, also using your Chase card.
Recently, Barclays has been improving their RewardsBoost program by leaps and bounds. Similar to the above two programs, you’ll need a Barclays credit card to take advantage of the extra savings. I currently have the Priceline credit card and the Barclaycard Arrival Plus® World Elite Mastercard® – both of which I highly recommend for their bonus offers and rewards programs.
So, how does the RewardsBoost program compare to the ShopDiscover and Ultimate Rewards competitors? ShopDiscover currently boasts over 200 popular retailers, while there are over 300 Ultimate Rewards partners.
The RewardsBoost portal has OVER 800 ONLINE PARTNERS. Yes, that’s just a wee bit more than the others!
Sample Of Some RewardsBoost Partners…
Some of my favorites are Nordstrom, Under Armour, Groupon, Priceline.com, Banana Republic and Best Buy.
They also have a good number of partners that give you a set number of miles for signing up with their services:
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