Using a credit monitoring service will help you detect potential fraud early, so you can take action to repair your credit ASAP. Experian Credit Monitoring does just that, and it’s free. Keep reading for more details on how this credit bureau keeps your credit file in check.
See all the best credit monitoring services here.
Experian Credit Monitoring Features
Experian Credit Monitoring provides unlimited access to your Experian credit report with daily alerts for things like changes to your personal information, new inquiries and accounts opened in your name and suspicious activity. You’ll also receive monthly updates of your FICO Score. Should you experience any issues with fraud, you have access to the dedicated Experian support team, and you can submit and track disputes online for free. Other features include:
Personalized Advice
Not only will Experian provide a comprehensive breakdown of your credit score, but they’ll also highlight what areas you need to focus on to improve your score.
Credit Score Simulator
Ever wonder what your credit score would like if you took out a car loan? Or file for bankruptcy? Or pay off your credit card debt? Experian’s credit score simulator is an excellent resource that lets you see the impact of various financial decisions on your credit score.
Education Center
Experian offers a comprehensive and helpful education center with relevant, up-to-date and accurate information. It’s a great resource for both newbies in the credit world and experienced veterans.
Experian Credit Monitoring Pricing
Experian Credit Monitoring is completely free to use. When you register, they won’t require your credit card information.
Click here for the best ways to access your credit score for free.
Experian Credit Monitoring Limitations
Before you sign up for Experian Credit Monitoring, keep the following in mind:
- The free service only looks at one bureau, Experian. You won’t be alerted of changes to your Equifax and TransUnion reports.
- The free service does not come with identity theft insurance.
Bottom Line
Experian Credit Monitoring will alert you of any potential issue with your credit report and provides free advice on how to improve your credit score. However, if you want to monitor all three credit bureaus, or you want more comprehensive coverage, then you’ll want to consider a paid service, like IdentityIQ.
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