Looking to improve your credit? There are companies that will analyze credit reports, look for mistakes and work to remove any errors on your credit history. However, not all credit repair firms are created equally. Like opening a credit card or applying for a loan, you should compare and contrast several companies before settling on one credit repair service.
Compare all the best credit repair services here, and all the best credit monitoring services here.
SuperMoney Credit Repair makes this process a breeze by clearly ranking each company, along with all the important details. Keep reading for everything you need to know about SuperMoney Credit Repair.
SuperMoney Credit Repair Features
SuperMoney is an aggregator site that lets you compare multiple financial products and companies – including credit repair agencies – in one place. Utilizing a proprietary, weighted, sorting algorithm, the comparison service takes a look at various important details, such as customer reviews, if there’s a money-back guarantee, monthly fee, initial processing fee and more, to rank credit repair firms.
Once you get on the SuperMoney Credit Repair page, you’ll see an overview of how these companies work and the important features to consider when comparing credit repair agencies. At the bottom of the page, you’ll find a table that ranks several credit repair companies, which you can filter by Net Recommendation Score or by Product Name.
If you need support, you can contact SuperMoney via email, live chat or social media.
SuperMoney Credit Repair Pricing
SuperMoney Credit Repair is free to use, but most of the credit repair services they refer will cost money.
SuperMoney Credit Repair Limitations
Before heading to SuperMoney Credit Repair, keep the following in mind:
- They do not list all credit repair companies.
- They do not offer credit repair services directly.
- They do not offer telephone support.
Bottom Line
SuperMoney Credit Repair lets you easily compare multiple credit repair agencies. However, it doesn’t list all the credit repair firms on the market.
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