Are you looking to improve your credit? It is possible to repair your credit score by yourself, but hiring a credit repair company like Credit Saint will save you the time and headache. They’ll analyze your credit reports, look for mistakes and work to remove any errors. Plus, they’ll likely fix your bad credit much more quickly than if you DIY.
Compare all the best credit repair services here and the best credit monitoring services here.
Keep reading for more on Credit Saint to see if they’re the right credit repair solution for you.
Please note, Credit Saint is not available in South Carolina.
Credit Saint Features
Credit Saint acts on your behalf to remove any inaccuracies on your credit report. Their website is easy to navigate and contains plenty of information – terms and conditions, applicable state laws, company policies, packages and pricing information – to help you decide if their services are right for you.
Free Consultation
If you are considering Credit Saint services, you can begin by signing up for a free consultation. That includes an analysis of your credit history, credit reports and credit score, along with a plan to improve your credit score.
Negative Item Disputes
After that, Credit Saint will work with the credit bureaus and creditors to challenge negative items on your credit report. Once the credit bureaus release updated credit reports, you’ll get a progress report on your Credit Saint dashboard. If successful, you should see positive credit score results.
90-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Like other credit repair companies, Credit Saint offers a money-back guarantee, but unlike the competition, they offer a full refund for up to 90 days. That’s a very lengthy window of time.
Get all your money back, if they don’t succeed in removing some of the negative marks from your credit history within 90 days.
Credit Saint Packages & Pricing
Credit Saint services come in the form of three packages: Credit Polish, Credit Remodel and Clean Slate. Each package charges an upfront fee that covers the initial work period and another monthly fee for ongoing services.
First work fee | $99 | $99 | $195 |
Monthly fee | $79.99 | $99.99 | $119.99 |
Challenges to the 3 credit bureaus | 5 per dispute cycle* | 10 per dispute cycle* | Unlimited |
Score analysis | X | X | X |
Creditor interventions | X | X | X |
Score tracker | X | X | X |
Inquiry targeting | X | X | |
Experian monitoring | X | X | |
Cease & desist letters | X |
*Credit Saint works in 45-day cycles.
Bottom Line
Credit Saint can help you get negative items removed from your credit history, so you can enjoy access to lower interest rates, deposit-free utilities and hassle-free borrowing.
Looking for a low-cost credit repair service? Check out CreditZO. They don’t charge a fee for filing credit error disputes on your behalf, and ongoing monthly fees range from $10 to $13.
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