is welcoming new customers with a 15% coupon code that you can apply to your first purchase (referral link required). They also have a rewards program where you earn points with every purchase, and every 500 points gets you a free book. For every person who claims their 15% coupon with your unique referral link, you’ll earn 50 bonus points.
See more referral promotions here.
ThriftBooks is an online new and used book retailer with more than 13 million titles in stock at competitive prices. Keep reading for more on ThriftBooks and their current offers.
Save 15% On Your First ThriftBooks Purchase
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Get a 15% discount on your first ThriftBooks order when you use a referral link to get your coupon code. You are required to create a ThriftBooks account to receive the discount, and the code is valid once, on an entire, single purchase. The discount cannot be applied to ThriftBooks Deals items, new books, sale items or gift cards.
Use one of the referral links below for your offer:
ThriftBooks Give 15% Off, Get 50 Bonus Points Referrals
Share ThriftBooks with a friend, and you’ll both benefit. They’ll get a 15% off coupon, and you’ll get 50 bonus points (more on ReadingRewards points below) when they make their first qualifying purchase.
Your discount code may only be used by five recipients, for a maximum of 250 points. It may take up to 15 minutes after the qualifying purchase for the points to be reflected to your account.
See the current referral program here.
ThriftBooks ReadingRewards
ThriftBooks ReadingRewards is a loyalty program where members accumulate points with purchases.
Reader (spend $10 – $99.99 in 12 months) | 8 points per $1 spent |
Literati (spend $100+ in 12 months) | 10 points per $1 spent |
Every 500 points gets you a free book automatically applied to your cart at checkout, no minimum purchase required.
ThriftBooks Features
ThiftBooks is a site that sells new and used books, as well as movies, TV shows, music and video games. There’s a bar at that top of the homepage where you can search by title, author or ISBN, or browse by selecting one of the drop-down menus below the search bar.
When you click on a title, you’ll see a page for that book with various pricing for hardcover, paperback, mass market paperback and audio versions by condition.
Standard shipping within the United States is free for orders over $10 and is included with the free books you earn via ReadingRewards.
Bottom Line
ThriftBooks has a great inventory of books with low prices. The site is easy to navigate, and you’ll get free books as loyalty rewards.
You might also be interested in It’s a site that lets you purchase audiobooks directly from independent bookstores. They’re currently offering one month of membership free.
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